Call for extra organizers

WordCamp Turku 2018 is on its way. We have total of five great organizers already but there is a room for one or two more. As an organizer you will have a real impact and say on how the event turns out and a change to give back to the WordPress community and ultimately helping to push WordPress further.

What is expected of organizers?

  • Want to volunteer, none of us gets paid
  • Be able to spend 0,5-3 hours weekly (some weeks there is practically nothing to do, some weeks a lot)
  • Are willing to learn and try new roles, none of us are professionals in organizing events (there is an official organizer handbook to help and we have a mentor)
  • Commit to the code of conduct
  • Preferably located in Turku area but not necessary as we have our meetings on Google Hangouts

What do we need help with?

  1. Speakers: managing speaker selection, slides review etc
  2. Stage managing: announcing and managing speakers at the event
  3. A/V manager: understanding something from mics and video cameras. The basic A/V comes from venue and we have volunteers for recording the event.

How to apply?

Mail to and say what you wanna help with and why. If any experience organizing events, let us know too. You can also ask more information there.

Notice: This is not the call for volunteers. We will call volunteers closer to event that help with the event day arragements. The organizer role requires more work and commitment before the event.

Welcome to WordCamp Turku

We’re happy to announce that WordCamp Turku is officially on the calendar!

WordCamp Turku will be on Friday September 28th 2018 at Panimoravintola Koulu (Eerikinkatu 18), Turku, Finland.

Subscribe to updates to stay up to date on the most recent news. We’ll be keeping you posted on all the details over the coming months, including speaker submissions, ticket sales and more!